Martin Aspeli's tutorial from
Plone Conference 2006.
Plone 2.5 brings us closer to the promised land of Zope 3. Some of the concepts of Zope 3 may feel alien, but they can give real benefits, today, if applied correctly. Learning how to build application in a pure Zope 3 environment is important and rewarding, and many such applications can be integrated with Plone relatively easily, even now. This talk focuses on how to apply the patterns of Zope 3 and leverage the new infrastructure that Plone 2.5 brings in the more familiar world of Archetypes-based development. Among the topics covered are:
* Best-practice code organisation
* Test-driven development practices
Writing testable documentation with DocTests
* Using adapters to make content types easily extensible and configurable
* Using events and subscribers
* Installation using GenericSetup extension profiles
* Providing local roles on-the-fly with a custom PAS plug-in
* Enabling local workflow policies with CMFPlacefulWorkflow
* Plugging into 'membrane' to provide custom user and group sources
This talk was originally presented at
Plone Conference 2006 in Seattle, WA.
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